Data Access Protection: A Critical Part of Security | SecurityMetrics Podcast 69 | SPHER, Inc.

Data Access Protection: A Critical Part of Security | SecurityMetrics Podcast 69

Early detection of unauthorized access to electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) is critical to preventing breaches and meeting HIPAA requirements. The co-founders of SPHER, Inc., Raymond Ribble, CEO, and Robert Pruter, Chief Revenue Officer, sit down with Host and Principal Security Analyst Jen Stone (MCIS, CISSP, CISA, QSA) to discuss: -Why it’s critical to know who is accessing patient data -How to know who is accessing critical data -Real-world stories of unauthorized access and what to do about it Hosted by Jen Stone, Principal Security Analyst (MCIS, CISSP, CISA, QSA) [Disclaimer] Before implementing any policies or procedures you hear about on this or any other episodes, make sure to talk to your legal department, IT department, and any other department assisting with your data security and compliance efforts
